We invite you to join us.
With your help, we’re laying the groundwork for future progress and lasting success. Pay it forward and join us on our mission of making Madison a better place to live, work and raise a family.
Our kickoff started on October 12th and will wrap up in December. FM4's campaign is from 2022-2026.
Forward Madison Brochure
What is Forward Madison?
In 2006, The Lake Area Improvement Corporation launched a fundraising campaing in order to invest in the future of our community. Contributors in the first two Forward Madison campaigns were rewarded with a sustained and effective push towards economic competitiveness. Today, the LAIC is looking to build on the momentum generated over the past fifteen years in order to keep moving our community forward.
Partnerships are the key to our community’s success. Numerous partnerships have been created and strengthened resulting in business expansion and retention, job and housing growth and higher paying jobs. The LAIC has aggressively promoted the Madison area to attract new business and worked diligently to ensure Madison remains an economically viable community.

FM Articles:
June 21, 2022 - LAIC completes Forward Madison 4 capital campaign, meets $1.1 million goal
October 12, 2021 - LAIC Introduces New Executive Director as Part of Capital Campaign Kickoff
November 7, 2016 - LAIC announces third capital campaign
March 9, 2017 – LAIC completes capital campaign, meets $1M goal