

Madison’s business backbone is agriculture with strong footholds in the technology and manufacturing industries. You may find your business has the same needs as others in the Madison area. We work with our companies to find partners to strengthen their current businesses and offerings. If your company has needs, they may mirror those of existing businesses allowing for an agreement to share services from available companies.

Regarding existing supply chains, local companies order product by the truckload on a daily basis. Some of these products include sheet metal, plastics, fertilizer, hoses and lumber.

Madison has existing companies that may help meet your manufacturing needs in metal plating, powder coating, welding, mold injection, machining and more.

Top Employers

Name Product/Service FT/PT Employees Established
Dakota State University Education 329/293 1881
Manitou Group Compact Construction Equipment 290/2 1979
Madison Regional Health System Health Care 210/62 1920
Global Polymer Industries Plastics Manufacturer 143/4 located 2012, orig. 1993
Madison Central School District Education, K-12 140/13 1890
East River Electric Power Cooperative Wholesale Electricity 135/1 1949

Source: Local businesses were surveyed regarding full-time (35+hrs) and part-time employment numbers as of 12/31/2018.

Lake Area Improvement Corporation © 2025. Developed by Intuvio Solutions.

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